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NokiaGame 2003 :-)

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  • NokiaGame 2003 :-)

    Raga chi partecipa???

    dai iscrivetevi e accorrete in massa.... magari ci posssiamo aiutare qui...

    le iscrizioni terminano il 19/11/2003


    Il sito è nokiagame
    Ultima modifica di Street_Shark; 17-11-2003, 13:05.
    There's a song that's inside of my soul...It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again....I'm awaken in the infinite cold...But you sing to me over and over and over again...So I lay my head back down...And I lift my hands and pray...To be only yours...I pray...To be only yours...I know now...You're my only hope...Sing to me the song of the stars...Of the galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again...When it feels like my dreams are so far...Sing to me all the plans that you have for me over again...So I lay my head back down...And I lift my hands and pray...To be only yours...I pray...To be only yours...I know now...You're my only hope...I give you my destiny...I'm giving you all of me...I want your symphony...Singing in all that I am...At the top of my lungs...I'm giving Him all I have...So I lay my head back down...And I lift my hands and pray...To be only yours...I pray...To be only yours...I pray...To be only yours...I know now...You're my only hope...

  • #2
    io mi sono iscritto, il mio nick è thunderboss però ancora devo capire bene come funziona
    Chi segue il gregge prima o poi calpesta me*da.


    Sto operando...