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  • Sara' vero??????

    Ragazzi avete visto la novita' della Dastek, il modulo Unchip???
    Se veramente a quelo che dicono e' favoloso non lo trovate!!!!
    E' un modulo che si interfaccia alla ECU originale e ti da la possibilita' senza aprire la centralina di riprogrammare tutti i parametri che interessano compreso limiatore di giri e regimi de minimo.
    Chissa' se anderbbe bene per pilotare un turbo intefracciandosi ad una centralina che originalmente non prevde l'utilizzo del turbo, per esempio un motore aspirato trasformato in turbo senza dover ricorrere ad una centralina completamente riprogrammabile tipo EFI - TDD oppure Mec Tronik perdendo alcune funzioni della strumentazione, tipo computer di bordo e tante volte contagiri...............
    Qualcuno ha avuto modo di vedere o conoscere il suo funzonamento?????
    Ultima modifica di Firefighter; 20-08-2003, 12:33.
    Vivo la mia vita un quarto di Miglio alla volta, non mi importa nient'altro. Per quei dieci secondi sono libero.

    200 Cv grazie ad una T3 ........

  • #2
    Re: Sara' vero??????

    Ultima modifica di Firefighter; 20-08-2003, 12:33.
    Vivo la mia vita un quarto di Miglio alla volta, non mi importa nient'altro. Per quei dieci secondi sono libero.

    200 Cv grazie ad una T3 ........


    • #3
      boh.. mai sentito..

      cmq ho trovato l'home page:


      questo è quello che c'è scritto:

      "Welcome to the new age of tuning computerised vehicles. Over the years the coming of the computer did marvels for the automotive industry. Unfortunately workshops lost all control over the tuning of these vehicles. Even the slightest idling problem cannot be cured by the non-franchised workshop. In most cases even the authorised agents cannot cure these problems. In short, the tuning of computerised vehicles became nearly impossible.

      The UNICHIP gives the properly trained technician full control over the timing and mixture functions of most electronically controlled vehicles. Not only can mixtures and timing be set, but also it can be set under various load and RPM conditions. This gives one the ability to optimise the vehicle for economy under light load conditions and set it up for optimum performance under full-throttle conditions.

      The UNICHIP is much more than just a "chip". In actual fact it is a fully functioning computer which is added to the vehicle’s existing engine control unit (ECU). Apart from controlling general timing and mixtures it can do idling control, drive extra injectors, take full control over timing functions, eliminate road speed governors etc. It can be accurately described as a "Piggyback" computer.

      The UNICHIP gets wired into the existing ECU harness. If it is removed the vehicle is back to standard. Unlike other after-market units if the UNICHIP is programmed with zeros the vehicle will be standard. Only areas where the vehicle isn’t perfect need to be altered.

      The main difference between other after-market "chips" and the UNICHIP is that with the UNICHIP every individual vehicle is optimised. It is not just a chip that was made on one particular vehicle and then gets used on other similar vehicles."

      Foto&Video Raduni 2003 - FOTO ITS LUGANO 2005 - Meteo - NEW Kate picture!! - President of: Japanese Girls Lover Club
      n1k0's Corsa C GSi CORSA CLUB n.109
      n1k0's YZF R6 2003


      • #4
        ora se è lui nn ne sn sicuro.(dovrei controllare) ma se è lui ... me lo avevano consigliato dei miei amici inglesi x trasformazioni anke pesanti..


        • #5
          Messaggio originariamente postato da n1k0
          boh.. mai sentito..

          cmq ho trovato l'home page:


          questo è quello che c'è scritto:

          "Welcome to the new age of tuning computerised vehicles. Over the years the coming of the computer did marvels for the automotive industry. Unfortunately workshops lost all control over the tuning of these vehicles. Even the slightest idling problem cannot be cured by the non-franchised workshop. In most cases even the authorised agents cannot cure these problems. In short, the tuning of computerised vehicles became nearly impossible.

          The UNICHIP gives the properly trained technician full control over the timing and mixture functions of most electronically controlled vehicles. Not only can mixtures and timing be set, but also it can be set under various load and RPM conditions. This gives one the ability to optimise the vehicle for economy under light load conditions and set it up for optimum performance under full-throttle conditions.

          The UNICHIP is much more than just a "chip". In actual fact it is a fully functioning computer which is added to the vehicle’s existing engine control unit (ECU). Apart from controlling general timing and mixtures it can do idling control, drive extra injectors, take full control over timing functions, eliminate road speed governors etc. It can be accurately described as a "Piggyback" computer.

          The UNICHIP gets wired into the existing ECU harness. If it is removed the vehicle is back to standard. Unlike other after-market units if the UNICHIP is programmed with zeros the vehicle will be standard. Only areas where the vehicle isn’t perfect need to be altered.

          The main difference between other after-market "chips" and the UNICHIP is that with the UNICHIP every individual vehicle is optimised. It is not just a chip that was made on one particular vehicle and then gets used on other similar vehicles."

          Grazie n1k0 anche io ho visitato la home page, ma volevo chiedere ilparere di qualcuno che lo ha visto materialmente, poiche' voglio trasformare il mio motore da aspirato a turbo, sarebbe una soluzione molto ma molto valida ed economica poter pilotare il turbo con questo modulo interfacciato alla ECU di serie senza dover rivoluzionare tutto il cablaggio di serie!!!!!!
          Vivo la mia vita un quarto di Miglio alla volta, non mi importa nient'altro. Per quei dieci secondi sono libero.

          200 Cv grazie ad una T3 ........


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