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Kit Vertical doors anke universali!!

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  • Kit Vertical doors anke universali!!

    guardate e stupitevi!!!

  • #2
    Re: Kit Vertical doors anke universali!!

    Originariamente inviato da Patrick106
    credo che se avrň tutti quei soldi da spendere metterň questo kit sulla mia futura punto gt 1a serie, cmq su un altro sito ho visto che il kit universale costa 100 euro in meno!!e se mi impegno credo di riuscire a trovarlo anche a prezzi piů bassi!!
    Sostenitore -
    RdO -The Virtual Club- The aBBBusive power of Rome
    P.M.F.C. ---> Panda Maniaci Fans Club - Socio Sostenitore N°19


    • #3
      Re: Kit Vertical doors anke universali!!

      There's a song that's inside of my soul...It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again....I'm awaken in the infinite cold...But you sing to me over and over and over again...So I lay my head back down...And I lift my hands and pray...To be only yours...I pray...To be only yours...I know now...You're my only hope...Sing to me the song of the stars...Of the galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again...When it feels like my dreams are so far...Sing to me all the plans that you have for me over again...So I lay my head back down...And I lift my hands and pray...To be only yours...I pray...To be only yours...I know now...You're my only hope...I give you my destiny...I'm giving you all of me...I want your symphony...Singing in all that I am...At the top of my lungs...I'm giving Him all I have...So I lay my head back down...And I lift my hands and pray...To be only yours...I pray...To be only yours...I pray...To be only yours...I know now...You're my only hope...


      • #4
        cmq restano una tammarata stupenda!!!


        • #5
          Re: Kit Vertical doors anke universali!!

          No ragazzi perfavore...


          • #6
            Re: Kit Vertical doors anke universali!!

            Originariamente inviato da Patrick106
            cmq restano una tammarata stupenda!!!
            Confermo, sono mesi ke ci sto pensando

            RACING LIONS


            • #7
              Re: Kit Vertical doors anke universali!!

              Originariamente inviato da piero1976
              Confermo, sono mesi ke ci sto pensando

              1850 euro????

              cambia pensieri
              There's a song that's inside of my soul...It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again....I'm awaken in the infinite cold...But you sing to me over and over and over again...So I lay my head back down...And I lift my hands and pray...To be only yours...I pray...To be only yours...I know now...You're my only hope...Sing to me the song of the stars...Of the galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again...When it feels like my dreams are so far...Sing to me all the plans that you have for me over again...So I lay my head back down...And I lift my hands and pray...To be only yours...I pray...To be only yours...I know now...You're my only hope...I give you my destiny...I'm giving you all of me...I want your symphony...Singing in all that I am...At the top of my lungs...I'm giving Him all I have...So I lay my head back down...And I lift my hands and pray...To be only yours...I pray...To be only yours...I pray...To be only yours...I know now...You're my only hope...


              • #8
                Re: Kit Vertical doors anke universali!!

                Originariamente inviato da Street_Shark
                1850 euro????

                cambia pensieri
                Bella Street_Shark, infatti č proprio il prezzo ke fa si ke rimangano solo pensieri
                RACING LIONS


                • #9
                  Re: Kit Vertical doors anke universali!!

                  ma sti qua si bucano??? bčlin ma 2300 €!!!!
                  [CENTER] RATTA RACING TEAM
                  ...l'alcool č un nemico dell'uomo...
                  chi fugge di fronte al nemico č un codardo.
                  Non scambiare mai il paradiso per un paio di cosce lunghe
                  zack e fabio...andate d'accordo, sempre in coppia....come i coglioni...


                  • #10
                    Re: Kit Vertical doors anke universali!!

                    Originariamente inviato da piero1976
                    Bella Street_Shark, infatti č proprio il prezzo ke fa si ke rimangano solo pensieri
                    se perň non riesci a smettere di pensare vai a Bora Bora..... e trovati un indigena che ti faccia cambiare idea....

                    con la cifra dovresti farcela...
                    There's a song that's inside of my soul...It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again....I'm awaken in the infinite cold...But you sing to me over and over and over again...So I lay my head back down...And I lift my hands and pray...To be only yours...I pray...To be only yours...I know now...You're my only hope...Sing to me the song of the stars...Of the galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again...When it feels like my dreams are so far...Sing to me all the plans that you have for me over again...So I lay my head back down...And I lift my hands and pray...To be only yours...I pray...To be only yours...I know now...You're my only hope...I give you my destiny...I'm giving you all of me...I want your symphony...Singing in all that I am...At the top of my lungs...I'm giving Him all I have...So I lay my head back down...And I lift my hands and pray...To be only yours...I pray...To be only yours...I pray...To be only yours...I know now...You're my only hope...


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