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Wow - World Of Warcraft

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  • Re: Wow - World Of Warcraft

    Eh ma con le guide godi solo a metà
    Ciao Fabry.
    Amica maliziosa dell' N.T.V. - Notti Tuning Varese
    SEMPRE A TESTA ALTA! - Hakuna Matata... ^^ - ... * ... - LA Caciottara - *My LIFESTYLE... ®
    "Andrò sicuramente all'Inferno ma non è un problema... tanto in Paradiso non conosco nessuno!"


    • Re: Wow - World Of Warcraft

      Originariamente inviato da suki Visualizza il messaggio
      Eh ma con le guide godi solo a metà
      In questo caso mi accontento
      Il mio credo -V6 & v12 Fan. - N.T.V. - Notti Tuning Varese ... NÖC TÜNIN VARÉS - per chi ghe l'ha dür
      "Al massimo Apogeo, Apparendo, Asto Abbaglierà tutti Atteggiandosi con Arroganza e Avvinghiando, Avidamente, gli sguardi Astiosi dai suoi Antagonisti. A For Asto."
      "La volpe conosce molti trucchi; l'istrice uno solo, ma buono." - "Se sei giù sorridi, la morte è peggio. Se sei triste sorridi, la morte è peggio. Se sei morto sorridi, il peggio è passato"


      • Re: Wow - World Of Warcraft

        Originariamente inviato da Asto Delta Visualizza il messaggio
        In questo caso mi accontento
        eh ma chi si accontenta gode così così

        e se ti lecchi le dita godi solo a metà, quindi godi così

        ... perchè essere un normale utente è molto più esclusivo ...
        - - - Aggiornato - - -
        Oggi non faccio niente. Anche ieri non ho fatto niente, ma non avevo finito.


        • Re: Wow - World Of Warcraft

          Hanno aggiornato poche cose con questa patch

          Patch 2.2.0


          * Voice Chat - The new Voice Chat feature is now available in game. Players will need to go into the Options menu under Sound & Voice to activate it. Volume sliders are available for the microphone, speakers, and game-audio fade (which automatically lowers the game audio when a voice communication is received), as is a “push-to-talk” setting. Right-clicking on a player’s name now includes the option to mute or unmute that player. Muting another player blocks all voice chat from him or her; the ignore feature now blocks both voice chat and text chat from that player.For the Voice Chat F.A.Q. visit the following links:
          http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread....71637167&sid=1 http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread....12223263&sid=1
          * Chat Channels- New Chat Channel controls and functionality are now available under the Chat tab in the Social window of the interface. The interface will now show the channels players are in or are available to them, depending on the area of the world they are in, along with the addition of new private channel controls.
          * A new feature for reporting players as being AFK in battlegrounds by right clicking has been added. When enough reports are registered, a 60 second debuff will begin to count down. Once the timer is up a new debuff will appear that will prevent the player from gaining any honor while it is on. This debuff can be negated as soon as the player engages in PvP combat.
          * Haste: Haste has been rebalanced. It has returned to the ratios from the launch of Burning Crusade. Melee attacks and spell casts will now benefit at identical rates from haste. This change results in a reduction in the benefit of haste for melee attacks and an increase in the benefit for spellcasters.
          * Auction House generated emails for successful auction sales will now have a one-hour delay and is no longer instantaneous.
          * Troll Berserk: The spell haste on this ability was incorrectly too high and has been corrected.
          * Resilience Rating: The reduction to the percent chance to get a critical strike now also reduces the damage dealt by damage over time effects by the same percentage.
          * Area Spells: In some cases guards in neutral areas would not aggro against pvp attacks from area spells. That is now fixed.
          * Corrected the damage modifier calculation for Resilience when the attacker has bonus critical strike damage.
          * Power Regeneration: Any effect which triggers a change in your rate of power regeneration (Mana, Rage, Energy, Focus) will now cause an immediate reward of some power at the old rate of increase, and then begin new “ticks” of power at the new rate approximately 2 seconds later. This was done to improve functionality of abilities such as Evocation and Innervate so that they did not have wasted “ticks”.
          * Mac Movie Capture: the Mac client can now capture in-game video to QuickTime movie files using a configurable choice of codec, resolution, and frame rate. New key bindings have been added to the Key Bindings dialog. For more detailed configuration options please see the Mac Options panel in game. Mac OS X 10.4.9 and QuickTime 7.1.6 or better are required. Not all machines have enough performance to smoothly capture video at high frame rates; end user experimentation will be required to find appropriate settings for each system.
          * Pets are now affected by Paladin greater blessings.
          * Kill Triggered Effects: Effects that trigger from killing your target will no longer trigger from killing your pet.
          * Non-combat pets may not be selected as the target for spells or abilities.
          * Non-combat pets now have the tag "Companion" instead of "Minion".
          * Being attacked by guardians, such as summoned Treants, will no longer automatically cause neutral guards to attack you.
          * Meeting Stones can no longer be used to summon players that do not meet the level requirements.
          * Damage and health leech effects always affect flying players even if they are immune to the rest of the spell’s affects while in flight.


          * Dueling players may not use a Lightwell that they didn’t create themselves.
          * Battlegrounds
          o Eye of the Storm: The points awarded from capturing the flag now increase based on the number of bases the capturing teams owns.
          * Arenas
          o Arena calculations have been modified. In addition, the penalty for smaller arena teams (2v2, 3v3) has been slightly reduced.
          o Items that are indicated as quest items in their tooltips and have a "use" or "equip" ability will not work in PvP arenas.
          o Players will no longer be able to change armor once an arena battle has begun. Changing armor will still be available during the one-minute prep time prior to the battle. Main hand, off hand and ranged weapon swapping in combat remains unchanged.


          * Cat Form (Night Elf) melee attack range was too short compared to Tauren Cat Form and other attack ranges. It has been increased.
          * Cyclone: It is no longer possible to Cyclone two targets at the same time in the outdoor world.
          * Cyclone: Paladin Auras, Trueshot Aura, and Aspect of the Pack will now be automatically reactivated when Cyclone wears off of a victim who had one of the abilities active.
          * Enrage: If this buff is clicked off early, the armor penalty it causes will now be removed as well.
          * Enrage and Furor should no longer initiate combat, though it will prevent rage decay for the duration.
          * Entangling Roots: It is no longer possible to have Entangling Roots on two targets at the same time in the outdoor world.
          * Entangling Roots: It is no longer possible to have more than one rank of this spell active on a player.
          * Force of Nature: Using this spell in a neutral town will no longer cause its victim to be attacked by town guards. It also will no longer cause nearby party members to lose stealth.
          * Hibernate and Entangling Roots duration against PvP targets has been reduced to 10 seconds.
          * Hurricane: This spell is now affected by area damage caps. Its bonus damage coefficients have also been increased.
          * Hurricane: A tooltip error in rank 3 has been corrected.
          * Lacerate: The damage from this ability will now stack properly when two different characters are applying Lacerate to a target.
          * Mangle: The duration remaining graphic will now display properly for Mangle after it has been refreshed on a target. It will also no longer sometimes apply the Mangle debuff to nearby targets when the Mangle victim is killed by Mangle.
          * Nature's Grasp: This ability can now trigger while the Druid is sitting.
          * Tree of Life: The party aura from this shapeshift now extends the full 40-yard radius as stated in the tooltip.

          E non è neanche la metà delle cose
          Il mio credo -V6 & v12 Fan. - N.T.V. - Notti Tuning Varese ... NÖC TÜNIN VARÉS - per chi ghe l'ha dür
          "Al massimo Apogeo, Apparendo, Asto Abbaglierà tutti Atteggiandosi con Arroganza e Avvinghiando, Avidamente, gli sguardi Astiosi dai suoi Antagonisti. A For Asto."
          "La volpe conosce molti trucchi; l'istrice uno solo, ma buono." - "Se sei giù sorridi, la morte è peggio. Se sei triste sorridi, la morte è peggio. Se sei morto sorridi, il peggio è passato"


          • Re: Wow - World Of Warcraft

            Originariamente inviato da Asto Delta Visualizza il messaggio
            Hanno aggiornato poche cose con questa patch

            Patch 2.2.0


            * Voice Chat - The new Voice Chat feature is now available in game. Players will need to go into the Options menu under Sound & Voice to activate it. Volume sliders are available for the microphone, speakers, and game-audio fade (which automatically lowers the game audio when a voice communication is received), as is a “push-to-talk” setting. Right-clicking on a player’s name now includes the option to mute or unmute that player. Muting another player blocks all voice chat from him or her; the ignore feature now blocks both voice chat and text chat from that player.For the Voice Chat F.A.Q. visit the following links:
            http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread....71637167&sid=1 http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread....12223263&sid=1
            * Chat Channels- New Chat Channel controls and functionality are now available under the Chat tab in the Social window of the interface. The interface will now show the channels players are in or are available to them, depending on the area of the world they are in, along with the addition of new private channel controls.
            * A new feature for reporting players as being AFK in battlegrounds by right clicking has been added. When enough reports are registered, a 60 second debuff will begin to count down. Once the timer is up a new debuff will appear that will prevent the player from gaining any honor while it is on. This debuff can be negated as soon as the player engages in PvP combat.
            * Haste: Haste has been rebalanced. It has returned to the ratios from the launch of Burning Crusade. Melee attacks and spell casts will now benefit at identical rates from haste. This change results in a reduction in the benefit of haste for melee attacks and an increase in the benefit for spellcasters.
            * Auction House generated emails for successful auction sales will now have a one-hour delay and is no longer instantaneous.
            * Troll Berserk: The spell haste on this ability was incorrectly too high and has been corrected.
            * Resilience Rating: The reduction to the percent chance to get a critical strike now also reduces the damage dealt by damage over time effects by the same percentage.
            * Area Spells: In some cases guards in neutral areas would not aggro against pvp attacks from area spells. That is now fixed.
            * Corrected the damage modifier calculation for Resilience when the attacker has bonus critical strike damage.
            * Power Regeneration: Any effect which triggers a change in your rate of power regeneration (Mana, Rage, Energy, Focus) will now cause an immediate reward of some power at the old rate of increase, and then begin new “ticks” of power at the new rate approximately 2 seconds later. This was done to improve functionality of abilities such as Evocation and Innervate so that they did not have wasted “ticks”.
            * Mac Movie Capture: the Mac client can now capture in-game video to QuickTime movie files using a configurable choice of codec, resolution, and frame rate. New key bindings have been added to the Key Bindings dialog. For more detailed configuration options please see the Mac Options panel in game. Mac OS X 10.4.9 and QuickTime 7.1.6 or better are required. Not all machines have enough performance to smoothly capture video at high frame rates; end user experimentation will be required to find appropriate settings for each system.
            * Pets are now affected by Paladin greater blessings.
            * Kill Triggered Effects: Effects that trigger from killing your target will no longer trigger from killing your pet.
            * Non-combat pets may not be selected as the target for spells or abilities.
            * Non-combat pets now have the tag "Companion" instead of "Minion".
            * Being attacked by guardians, such as summoned Treants, will no longer automatically cause neutral guards to attack you.
            * Meeting Stones can no longer be used to summon players that do not meet the level requirements.
            * Damage and health leech effects always affect flying players even if they are immune to the rest of the spell’s affects while in flight.


            * Dueling players may not use a Lightwell that they didn’t create themselves.
            * Battlegrounds
            o Eye of the Storm: The points awarded from capturing the flag now increase based on the number of bases the capturing teams owns.
            * Arenas
            o Arena calculations have been modified. In addition, the penalty for smaller arena teams (2v2, 3v3) has been slightly reduced.
            o Items that are indicated as quest items in their tooltips and have a "use" or "equip" ability will not work in PvP arenas.
            o Players will no longer be able to change armor once an arena battle has begun. Changing armor will still be available during the one-minute prep time prior to the battle. Main hand, off hand and ranged weapon swapping in combat remains unchanged.


            * Cat Form (Night Elf) melee attack range was too short compared to Tauren Cat Form and other attack ranges. It has been increased.
            * Cyclone: It is no longer possible to Cyclone two targets at the same time in the outdoor world.
            * Cyclone: Paladin Auras, Trueshot Aura, and Aspect of the Pack will now be automatically reactivated when Cyclone wears off of a victim who had one of the abilities active.
            * Enrage: If this buff is clicked off early, the armor penalty it causes will now be removed as well.
            * Enrage and Furor should no longer initiate combat, though it will prevent rage decay for the duration.
            * Entangling Roots: It is no longer possible to have Entangling Roots on two targets at the same time in the outdoor world.
            * Entangling Roots: It is no longer possible to have more than one rank of this spell active on a player.
            * Force of Nature: Using this spell in a neutral town will no longer cause its victim to be attacked by town guards. It also will no longer cause nearby party members to lose stealth.
            * Hibernate and Entangling Roots duration against PvP targets has been reduced to 10 seconds.
            * Hurricane: This spell is now affected by area damage caps. Its bonus damage coefficients have also been increased.
            * Hurricane: A tooltip error in rank 3 has been corrected.
            * Lacerate: The damage from this ability will now stack properly when two different characters are applying Lacerate to a target.
            * Mangle: The duration remaining graphic will now display properly for Mangle after it has been refreshed on a target. It will also no longer sometimes apply the Mangle debuff to nearby targets when the Mangle victim is killed by Mangle.
            * Nature's Grasp: This ability can now trigger while the Druid is sitting.
            * Tree of Life: The party aura from this shapeshift now extends the full 40-yard radius as stated in the tooltip.

            E non è neanche la metà delle cose
            peccato che la meta' manco funzioni


            • Re: Wow - World Of Warcraft

              Ho appena letto l'avviso mauhau

              # Blessing of Kings, Light, Might, Salvation, Sanctuary and Wisdom increased to 10 minutes.

              questo funziona per me
              Dura il doppio
              Il mio credo -V6 & v12 Fan. - N.T.V. - Notti Tuning Varese ... NÖC TÜNIN VARÉS - per chi ghe l'ha dür
              "Al massimo Apogeo, Apparendo, Asto Abbaglierà tutti Atteggiandosi con Arroganza e Avvinghiando, Avidamente, gli sguardi Astiosi dai suoi Antagonisti. A For Asto."
              "La volpe conosce molti trucchi; l'istrice uno solo, ma buono." - "Se sei giù sorridi, la morte è peggio. Se sei triste sorridi, la morte è peggio. Se sei morto sorridi, il peggio è passato"


              • Re: Wow - World Of Warcraft

                Originariamente inviato da Asto Delta Visualizza il messaggio
                Ho appena letto l'avviso mauhau

                # Blessing of Kings, Light, Might, Salvation, Sanctuary and Wisdom increased to 10 minutes.

                questo funziona per me
                Dura il doppio
                era pure ora, che bless del cavolo, manco le pozze minori avevano na durata cosi' "scrausa"

                invece al mago si continua col valzer delle nerfate... 10 secondi di sheep, gia' che ormai il polu lo dispellano pure i cancelli dei bg, mo pure 10 secondi...


                • Re: Wow - World Of Warcraft

                  Prima a quanto stava la pecora?

                  Cmq odio quell'incantesimo
                  Nella library di SM vendo sempre impecorato dal boss
                  Il mio credo -V6 & v12 Fan. - N.T.V. - Notti Tuning Varese ... NÖC TÜNIN VARÉS - per chi ghe l'ha dür
                  "Al massimo Apogeo, Apparendo, Asto Abbaglierà tutti Atteggiandosi con Arroganza e Avvinghiando, Avidamente, gli sguardi Astiosi dai suoi Antagonisti. A For Asto."
                  "La volpe conosce molti trucchi; l'istrice uno solo, ma buono." - "Se sei giù sorridi, la morte è peggio. Se sei triste sorridi, la morte è peggio. Se sei morto sorridi, il peggio è passato"


                  • Re: Wow - World Of Warcraft

                    Originariamente inviato da Asto Delta Visualizza il messaggio
                    Prima a quanto stava la pecora?

                    Cmq odio quell'incantesimo
                    Nella library di SM vendo sempre impecorato dal boss
                    me pare 30-40 secondi

                    cmq vabbe'... non se po' avere tutto... alla fine mi accontento de ice lance... che tanto nerferanno presto


                    • Re: Wow - World Of Warcraft

                      Originariamente inviato da Csw_Dave Visualizza il messaggio
                      me pare 30-40 secondi

                      cmq vabbe'... non se po' avere tutto... alla fine mi accontento de ice lance... che tanto nerferanno presto

                      Stasera mentre guardavo la Tv, cazzeggiando in un meno di un'ora ho tirato questo

                      Per stasera il paladino è rimasto a riposo

                      Notare il nome
                      Ringrazio claudio per la collaborazione

                      Il mio credo -V6 & v12 Fan. - N.T.V. - Notti Tuning Varese ... NÖC TÜNIN VARÉS - per chi ghe l'ha dür
                      "Al massimo Apogeo, Apparendo, Asto Abbaglierà tutti Atteggiandosi con Arroganza e Avvinghiando, Avidamente, gli sguardi Astiosi dai suoi Antagonisti. A For Asto."
                      "La volpe conosce molti trucchi; l'istrice uno solo, ma buono." - "Se sei giù sorridi, la morte è peggio. Se sei triste sorridi, la morte è peggio. Se sei morto sorridi, il peggio è passato"


                      Sto operando...